Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Anyay Rahid Zindagi, Goa

Add: MHN 27/1, Behind Anthony Bar, Baina, Vasco da Gama
Pin: 403802
Contact Person: Zarine Chinwala
Purpose: Child welfare, Commercial sex workers, Disadvantaged communities, Education, Health, Human Rights, Law, Population, Poverty, Training, Women’s issues
Aim/Objective/Mission: ARZ is an NGO working in the red light areas of Goa with the objective of educating the children of commercial sex workers and the sex workers themselves. Arz was conceived in 1997 by a small but committed group of Development Professionals from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, with the idea of social work interventions in the area of crime with persons who have committed crimes, have been victims of crime or those who are vulnerable to either. Arz started its first project in 1998 in Goa on issues connected with trafficking of humans for the purposes of prostitution.

Tel: 91-832-2519951, 91-832 2501173
Email: [email protected]