NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Jan Sewa Welfare and Educational Society, New Delhi

Add : 1625, Thana Road, Opp. OBC Bank, Najafgarh
New Delhi
Tel :
Mobile : 92124 09993
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Rishipal Singh
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Jan Sewa Welfare And Educational Society (JSWES) primary objective is to: empower the poor and marginalised, provide shelter to the sick and destitute, promote community health programmes and services, support literacy centres and e-learning, work towards empowerment of women, facilitate livelihood programmes, help the poor access information and resources, work for environment protection and conservation. From very beginning we, at Jan Sewa Welfare And Educational Society (JSWES), believe that development has to be holistic to break the vicious cycle of poverty to bring the real fruits to the needy. We wish to bring about visible change on the ground by focusing our energies in these sectors as well as building our understanding about related issues. We at Jan Sewa Welfare And Educational Society (JSWES), firmly believe that a conducive and productive environment cannot be achieved unless all parameters of the development equation are adequately addressed.

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