Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

ASORD – Agrocrats Society for Rural Development, Raipur

Add: B-8, Raj Nagar, Sai Vatika Colony
Pin: 492015
Contact Person: Dhiirendra Mishra
Aim/Objective/Mission: ASORD was established for an artistic change in the rural social system logy of small and marginal community of the state through diversified and sustainable system to attain its commitment of Growth with Equity. The organisation is having well experienced technically qualified human resources in the field of rural technology, agriculture, horticulture, soil & water conservation, survey monitoring and evaluation, non-conventional energy, etc. Its young, enthusiastic and energetic team carries out the planning and implementing activities. During past years, we had implemented many development projects like training, micro-planning, income generating activities, monitoring & evaluation, research, etc. in co-ordination with Government of Chhattisgarh and Government of India at various villages of Chhattisgarh State. The impacts of the projects were quite attractive and enthusiastic and due to result of which the villagers had gained very much to join the stream of development.

Mobile:? 91-99930 99488
Email: [email protected]