SOREDA – Society for Orphans & Rural Economical Development Agency, Balasore
Add.: BalasoreBalasorePin: 756001OrissaPhone: 91-678-2260737Mobile: 91-99370 68949Email: [email protected]: Contact Person: Pramath Kumar Panda, SpokespersonPurpose : Aims/Objectives/Mission : Rural economical development, orphans development, women empowerment in rural areas, agricultural, tree plantation etc.
SREE – Social Reconstruction & Economic Empowerment, Balasore
Add.: Kacheri Road, Naya BazarBalasorePin: 756001OrissaPhone: Mobile: 91-98611 60606Email: [email protected]: Contact Person: Manoj Kumar DasPurpose : Agriculture, rural development, afforestation.Aims/Objectives/Mission : To develop over all development of the rural poor through sustainable agriculture.
Social Rehabilitation of Isolators, Balasore
Add.: Mukundapur, Kandagaradi, Bahanaga Balasore Pin: 756042 Orissa Phone: 91-678-2222233 Mobile: 91-92383 15208, 91-99386 99753 Email: [email protected] Website: Contact Person: Jogananda Dash, Surendra Roul Purpose : Rehabilitation of tribals basicely. Aims/Objectives/Mission : Economic and social development programme, education and awareness programme, rehabilitation of women from education to income generation, vocational training, health and sanitation programme, […]
SIPHAE – Social Integrity Programme for Health & Education, Balasore
Add.: Basta, Balasore Balasore Pin: 756029 Orissa Phone: Mobile: 91-98532 31303 Email: [email protected] Website: Contact Person: Chandan Kumar Dash Purpose : To create awareness among school children on HIV /AIDS through drama, street plays in Orissa & India. Aims/Objectives/Mission : To create awareness among women, rural people, tribals, school students on various isuues like […]
Samagra Bikash Parishad, Balasore
Add.: Baliapal, Baliapal Balasore Pin: 756026 Orissa Phone: 91-6781-253326 Mobile: Email: Website: Contact Person: Golok Bihari Ray Purpose : Agriculture, Education, Environment, Health, Micro-enterprises, Poverty, Rural Development, Training Aims/Objectives/Mission : Samagra Bikash Parishad looks after the development of the poor and needy people in the society. It tries to foster among the people self-sufficiency, self-reliance […]
Sangrami Voluntary Organisation, Balasore
Add.: Chafla Kankai, Balasore Balasore Pin: 756033 Orissa Phone: 91-678-2266647 Mobile: Email: [email protected] Website: Contact Person: Satya Ranjan Rout Purpose : To add in the directory for wider publication Aims/Objectives/Mission : Aim sangrami voluntary organisation is a development support organization evolved through a process initiated in 2000 by a group of rural youths, who believe […]
PRAVA – Professional Assistance for Voluntary Action, Balasore
Add.: 1st Floor, SPA Complex, O.T. Road, Police Line SquareBalasorePin: 756001OrissaPhone: 91-6782-266137Mobile: Email: [email protected]: Person: Subrat Nayak, Sanjeet K. DasPurpose : support for the cause, funding, networking etcAims/Objectives/Mission : Prava believes in the hypothesis that sustainable natural resource management is the only key to eco-restoration & development at this crucial day. If we sincerely […]
Punaruthan Voluntary Organisation, Balasore
Add.: Ananatapur, BalasoreBalasorePin: 756046OrissaPhone: Mobile: 91-94371 47996Email: [email protected]: http://www.punaruthan.orgContact Person: Kamalakanta BarikPurpose : Social service.Aims/Objectives/Mission : To fulfill the need based aspirations of the vulnerable people, break their silence and develop their power to establish and achieve their demand for a self reliant society. Mission of the organisation: Through effective communication and capacity building programmes […]
Nari and Sishu Kalyan Samiti,Balasore
Add.: Sergarh, Balasore Balasore Pin: 756060 Orissa Phone: Mobile: 91-93380 89878 Email: [email protected] Website: Contact Person: Sudhansu Kumar Acharya Purpose : Seeking grant for women and child development programmes. Aims/Objectives/Mission : All round development of women and children of rural poor of Orissa. Micro finance activities, control and prevention of women and child trafficking.
May I Help You, Balasore
Add.: B 25, Fly Over ComplexBalasorePin: 756001OrissaPhone: Mobile: 91-94379 70787Email: [email protected]: Contact Person: Debadas KunduPurpose : Socio economic health.Aims/Objectives/Mission : Improve the socio economic condition, working for improved health and education and also for environment.