NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Pramarsh, Munger

Add : Itahari, Jamalpur
Tel :
Mobile : 73527 47730
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Contact Person : Dilip Narayan Singh
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Child Rights, Climate Change, Community Development, Tribal Issues Strengthen The Grassroots Initiatives For Socio-Economic Empowerment Of Economically Underprivileged Women, Youth And Children.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Currently, organization is working to ensure upliftment of women of tribal and to ensure their active participation in formation of a socially just society through its women flag development program like water and sanitation, shg and skill development program for achieving the followings key purpose- to facilitate community to establish well develop village by freeing from servitude and dependency on the basis of non violence, love, truth and justice. To increase the availability and widen the distribution of basic life- sustaining articles such as food, clothes, shelter, health care and social security. To raise the standard of living including, in addition to higher purchasing power, the provision of more jobs, better education and greater attention to cultural and humanistic values promotion of sarvodya, Mahatma Gandhi thought welfare for all principle welfare for un to the last segment.

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