Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Nari Nidhi, Patna

Add: 2/29 State Banky Colony – 2, Bailey Road
Pin: 801101
Contact Person: Asha Chaudhary
Aim/Objective/Mission: Nari Nidhi strives to achieve lasting improvements in quality in life of deprived sections of community by enabling deprived women, their children, their families and their community to meet their basic needs and to increase their ability to participate in and benefit from their community. Promoting the rights and interests of weaker section of the nation. Strengthen community based organizations and involve peoples participation at the grassroots level for the empowerment of women and adolescent girls and youths.

Mobile:? 91-94300 13517, 91-99342 62978
Email: [email protected], [email protected]