NGOs India and Funding Agencies

PFI Foundation, Guwahati

Add: 46, Shijubari Chariali, Hatigoan
Pin: 781038
Contact Person: Dr.K.M.Baharul Islam
Purpose: Socio-economic development.
Aim/Objective/Mission: To promote community empowerment through awareness generation programmes and strengthening of local community organization through campaigns, preparation of information materials, youth leadership, self help groups. To organize and perform training & consultancy in education like adult education, formal & non-formal education, health education, population education, women education, environment education, physical education, higher education and research. To promote Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) with special focus on ICT for Development (ICT4D) and sustained accelerated economic growth and creation of an Information Society following the WSIS declaration. To establish various academic institutions with special emphasis on disadvantaged sections of the society and environment orientation to school education. To promote agriculture through establishing non-formal co-operatives in farming, credit, marketing, extension & training, land development, waster land development, watershed management & small irrigation projects.

Tel: 91-361-2235655

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