Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

DRPHDA – Dhula Regional Physically Handicapped Development Association, Darrang

Add: Hirapara, Dhula
Pin: 784146
Contact Person: Dr. Abul Hussain
Purpose: Women empowerment child right, disabled rights.
Aim/Objective/Mission: SAWADHAR- for women in difficult circumstances under this project windos deserted women, destitute, Ex-prisoners, victims of sexual abuse and crimes etc. are primary need of shelter in hostel and they are given food, cloth and medical treatment. They have rehabilitate socially and economically through education awareness skill upgradation and personality development through behaviaral training. To open a programme for welfare of working children in need of care and protection. The children who have working in shops, hotel dhabas, machanic shops, living on railway platforms. Alongwith railway lines, dwellers, drug addicts etc. children engage as domestic workers children whose parents are in jail. Children of migrant labourers, sex workers, leprosy patients etc. District Vocational rehabilitation & training centre for handicapped. Under this project to rehabilitate the deaf, dumb, blind, orthopaedically, mentally retarded persons by providing training facilities in different trade such as tailoring, cutting & embroidery, weaving, carpentry, cane & bamboo and T.V. Tape & radio repairing etc.

Tel: 91-3713-291832
Mobile: 91-98540 64668
Email: [email protected]