Add: Kakojan Arondhara, Jorhat
Pin: 785107
Contact Person: Lakshi Borah
Purpose: Criative activity and art awareness among childern in rural area.
Aim/Objective/Mission: With my due respect, I take the opportunity to inform you that Anubhuti- the aesthetics journey ? is a cultural club of Kakojan, dist. Jorhat, an approved club of confederation of UNESCO Club Association of India. The club is formed by a group of qualified cultural graduates to promote cultural activities and awareness among the children and the youth of the rural area. The club is working with following subjects visual art, dramatic art, dance and music in both indigenous and contemporary level. We are also trying to documenting the folk culture. Now I want to request you if you organize any program for children i.e. exhibition and writing competition etc. then kindly inform us about that for our students to participate on it. We?ll like to give it wider publicity in our area to find a greater exposes of our children in international level.
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