Add : 1/179, Kondakamarla, OD Cheruvu
Andhra Pradesh
Tel : 08494-24988
Mobile : 98495 98716
Email :
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Contact Person : Yeddula Pramod Kumar Reddy
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Child Rights, Development (General), Education, Employment, Environment, Governance, Labour, Legal Awareness, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Society And Economy, Water, Women Development Welfare Ono-Profit.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Implement socio-economic and cultural programmers for the welfare of poor families. Implant rural development programmers for promotion and protection of natural resources. Conduct necessary awareness, capacity building and skill trainings for the welfare of down trodden sections of the society. Provide services to the poor, irrespective of caste, creed, color or gender. The above objectives are without profit motive. Protect the life and health of consumers from poor quality and unsafe goods and services ensure that goods and services are mode available in the market at affordable prices, standard quality and accurate measure. Provide good education and good health for all children, youth, women and rural poor in the society adopted areas. Improve socio-economic status of the poor people?s. Being the knowledge of education among the sc st obc of the rural areas. Develop human capacity building trainings to women & farmers. Conduct study courses, summer schools and guidance mela?s work for the eradication of illiteracy and provide quality education to all. Involve the community in sharing the responsibility of improving its health status. Promote sustainable consumption as a means to sustainable deveiopment. Facilitate policy changes, enabling regulations of unrestricted professions and traders that offer services to consumers like plumbers, real estate dealers, electricians, etc. Through a combination of seif-reguiatory bodies and regulatory codes. Ensure that goods and services are made available in the market at affordable prices, standard quality and accurate measure. Promote fine arts and cultural values in rural areas. Promote awareness of family welfare schemes and children welfare schemes among rural people. Provide guidance to the farmers in the field of agriculture in the rural areas and promote women welfare activities. Encourage and support rural sports in the villages for the overall development of the rural people. Promote the concept of clean and green environment. Promote well being of women. Activities undertaken: youth cluster level meetings, reflection workshops. National integration camps, youth adventure activities sill trainings for un-employed youth hiv aids awareness campus organized science fairs, mela?s with school children?s bio-diesel plantation programmers promotion of sanskrit education seminars on water resource related activities trainings on progressive farmers formers exposure visits workshops seminars on renewable energy related activates medicinal plants cultivation programmers self help groups formation and trainings innovative educational programmers girls education programmers watershed management training programmers child labor rehabilitation programmers adult education programmers seminars on women legal rights and related issues micro irrigation training programmers environment awareness programmers etc. Book promotional activities under book fairs exhibitions non-formal education centers, adult education establishment of free couching centers. Innovative educational programs seminars on education policies.