NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Real Imprevement Grassroot Humen Tribes Socity, Nellore

Add.: Nellore
Pin: 524006
Andhra Pradesh
Mobile: 91-94407 40655
Contact Person: T.Jayapaul
Purpose : Education, child labour, HIV/AIDs, water, snitation, women empowerment.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Accesing diagonestic facilities to unreached poor. Accesing education to out of school children like invesable child labour. Suatinable agriculture promotion. Care and support to HIV/AIDs chilredns. Accesing corporate education rechable to un reached poor communitees. Wast land development, through suatinable development. Rehabiltation of child labour. Microfinance. Disaster mangement. Water and snitaion, women empowerment, operation reserch on hiv/aids/all infective desees through community health activesam. Diferently abled pepoles counceling and support.

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