Add : 1-78 Gandhi Nagar Street Hiramandalam, Mandalam
Andhra Pradesh
Tel : 08946-253433
Mobile : 95730 23318
Email :
Website : www.Dcvsklmblogspot
Contact Person : Panuku Suryanarayana
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, E-Learning, Education, Employment, Energy, Labour, Legal Awareness, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Rural Development, Sanitation, Science and Technology, Self Help Groups, Social Awareness.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Dalith upliftment, education and literacy, health and family welfare, human rights, legal awareness and aid, right to information and advocacy, and tribal affairs, women development and empowerment running a computer center, library, silas and kaddish kendra and welfare of women and children of sc st communities and weaker section of the sororities and also running a samara marriage burea and swathch bharath mission.